Tutorial course for CAMS attendees is scheduled on Tuesday, 6 July, 9:30 - 16:30 h: Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Marine Systems Professor Mogens Blanke, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. Room: Aula 160/3, Engineering Faculty, Università Politecnica delle Marche Topics: Fault-tolerant control aims at graceful degradation of automates systems in case of faults. It satisfies industrial demands for enhanced availability and safety, in contrast to traditional implementations where a supervisory system just make a sudden shut down, and hence cause loss of availability, when a fault is detected. The lectures provide participants with an understanding of theory and methods that have proven themselves worthy in practical applications. The lectures use examples from marine control and navigation to illustrate the theory. Reference: M. Blanke, M. Kinnaert, J. Lunze and M. Staroswiecki, "Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control", Springer 2003. ISBN 3-540-01056-4 Slide Handouts: Copies of the slides in PDF format for handing out to participants are included below: